I've been watching the latest This Old House project, which is following the rebuilding of an abandoned duplex home in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. Click here to see pictures and videos from the project. The house had been empty for a long time and suffered significant damage from the foundation to the roof.
I noticed that the contractor was installing many manufactured, laminated beams for structural support throughout the house. I wondered if some of the beams came from the Weyerhauser factory we visited during the last CEFTS meeting in Glenville, WV? You never know. Click here for some pictures from the tour. It's nice to think that some of our forest technician students worked on the forests, that grew the trees used for the wood, to make these beams that will help support a home for two families.
Also, at the start of the project a Bartlett Tree Experts crew was called in to remove several dead hazard trees from the back yard. Many of the CEFTS schools have worked with Bartlett, which has employed our graduates.